8 Questions Candidates Will Ask and How to Answer Them

The 8 questions every hiring managers needs to prepare for before stepping into a candidate interview. and how to answer them.

In today's job market, hiring managers face the dual challenge of recruiting top tech talent and making informed hiring decisions. However, it's not just about asking the right questions; it's also about being prepared to answer them. A recent study showed that 36% of candidates are more likely to accept job offers when they feel fully informed about the role and the company. Here's a friendly guide on how hiring managers can effectively prepare for candidate questions, enhancing the hiring experience for everyone involved.

1. Can you tell me about the company and the team this position is a part of?

Be ready to provide a snapshot of your company, its core values, and the specific team dynamics. This transparency helps candidates visualize their place within the organization and assess cultural fit.

According to a 2023 survey, 76% of job seekers consider company culture a crucial factor in their decision-making process.

2. What are the key responsibilities and expectations for this role?

A LinkedIn report revealed that clarity about job responsibilities leads to a 50% higher chance of a candidate accepting a job offer. You should clearly articulate the specific responsibilities and expectations associated with the job position. This helps candidates assess whether their skills and experience align with the role.


Clearly define the role's key responsibilities and expectations. This enables candidates to align their skills and experience with the position, ensuring a good match.

3. What qualifications and skills are you looking for?

You need to be able to outline the desired qualifications, skills, and experience that you are seeking in a candidate to your recruiting team when creating a job description, so just reread what you wrote! This provides candidates with a clear understanding of the requirements for the role and allows them to showcase their relevant capabilities.

 A Glassdoor study found that 45% of hiring managers believe that better matching of skills with job requirements can improve hiring efficiency.

Interviewer Tip: 

Outline the qualifications and skills that are non-negotiables for yourself on a piece of paper before you walk into the interview. This clarity will allow you to effectively articulate your needs and helps you identify the best fit for the role.

4. How does this role contribute to the overall success of the company?

Explain how the position fits into the broader goals and objectives of the company. This helps candidates understand the impact and importance of the role they are applying for. A recent HR survey indicated that understanding their role's impact motivates 65% of employees to perform better.

Interviewer Tip: 

Discuss how the role contributes to the broader company goals. Candidates who see the value and impact of their work are more likely to be engaged and productive.

5. Can you provide examples of specific projects or challenges that I may encounter in this role?

Share real-life scenarios or projects that the candidate may be involved in to give them a better understanding of the role's challenges and opportunities for growth.58% of professionals prefer employers who provide insights into the types of projects they'll be working on, as per a Jobvite survey.

Interviewer Tip: 

Share 1 or 2 specific projects you plan for this hire to work on in the next 3 months. This realistic preview helps them gauge the role's fit and growth potential.

6. What is the company's approach to professional development and career advancement?

Career advancement opportunities are a top priority for 70% of job seekers, according to a recent Monster poll. Discuss the company's commitment to employee development, training opportunities, and career progression. This helps candidates assess the potential for growth and advancement within the organization

7. How would you describe the company culture and work environment?

83% of Gen-Z job seekers consider a healthy work environment key to their job satisfaction. It’s almost guaranteed that candidates in this age group will ask this question. 

Provide insights into the company's culture, values, and work environment. This allows candidates to evaluate whether they would thrive in the organization's atmosphere.

8. What is the timeline for the hiring process and next steps?

Communicate the timeline for the hiring process and inform candidates about the next steps, such as additional interviews, assessments, or reference checks. This helps manage candidates' expectations and keeps them informed about the progress.

Key Insight:

Transparency in the hiring process can increase candidate satisfaction by up to 40%, as reported by a Gartner study.


Being well-prepared to answer these questions not only helps you attract the right talent but also saves time and enhances your hiring decisions. Remember, it's a two-way street; as much as you're evaluating candidates, they're evaluating you and your company. Let's hire smarter and build stronger teams together!

Related Read: How to Hire Quality Candidates in Fintech